Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mucus Blood Sneeze I Have Bad Sneezing Allergies And After Sneezing I Spit Mucus With Blood Is This Something To Worry About?

I have bad sneezing allergies and after sneezing i spit mucus with blood is this something to worry about? - mucus blood sneeze

Probably not, but I'm not a doctor. You may have dried up in the nasal mucosa. As someone with severe allergies, sinus problems and I know this may a big problem. I would say that I propose all the time, allergies and sinus problems, a humidifier near your bed, and salt spray in the nose several times a day. There is a kind of pressure I like Wal-Mart. Everything is kept moist, and it makes life much easier when you sneeze.

Hope this helps.


divnlurc... said...

do not worry too much if it is mixed just a little blood in small capillaries as fundamental sneezes the sinuses are broken and mixed with mucus.

Louise said...

You should check-up there by your doctor.

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