Saturday, January 2, 2010

Photos Of Hernia In Groin More Issues :( Friends Turned On Me .. Now Taking The Piss Out Of My Sexuality They Were Fine With It Before!?

More issues :( friends turned on me .. now taking the piss out of my sexuality they were fine with it before!? - photos of hernia in groin

Ok so ... It's a bit like a long history in real life .. Bisexual and I have recently had my children, but I have a gurlfriend s had for some time. I started to tell my friends, I thought they were power couples, because I want to keep secrecy and WUS also a little difficult. So I said to him, and WUS and Whuteva fleet and the boat. And I began to talk a bit more torque, and especially now that everyone knows .. This is not a problem. And my gurlfriend down from Scotland to England by train bass came to me:) and WUS the best couple of days in the year that I had. WUS I am so happy. and then I got sick .. Hernia pain ... Muscle was close to my stomach .. WUS and I toppled into the school to fight 2 weeks and have learned that she had spoken to me said: Do you have blah blah, give usual shizz Bernstein and unlike anything the whole year never copy each other, your own opinion and my best friend Natalie told me she loved .. through that was what everyone was slagging me off, and Natalie's avoiding me, but lately, she spoke on MSN. Recently, fromeen Scream "lesbian" at school .. Certainly, but my business to someone just because I trusted them that does not mean they go crying and everyone knows that surrounds the school s e-reader. I could not scream companies there, but I'm not doing so low and woulodn't ... Yes, I can Picardy, but at the end of the day we all have. She can not help you, and I fell into a gurl .. she and I >>>... . ISIT so bad to lose all his time about it!? I need help to do whut now, I am lonely at school: (

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