Saturday, February 13, 2010

Clamidia From Oral Wel I Got Treated For Clamidia Then Weeks Later My Partner Had Oral Sex With Me What Are Chances I Have Again?

Wel i got treated for clamidia then weeks later my partner had oral sex with me what are chances i have again? - clamidia from oral

but are never treated, controlled by and we had a lot of sex when I UNPROTO


DESTINY said...

If the odds are really high that you again. I should have said when he heard! Of course, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases can be dangerous.

Virginia said...

If not treated, u got it back, or both, must be treated.

Source: I work for a doctor:)

6@5^&% said...

Yes, you have to go back, why not ask him to get tested

imsety said...

Therefore, the most important means of prevention:
Celibacy, no sex
Maintaining a monogamous relationship with an infected person
The practice of safe sex in the relationship that the risk of infection is possible
Not for needles or syringes, or better yet, do not inject drugs.
Security is increased with water as a lubricant KY Jelly, today Gynol Corn Husker's Lotion II or base.
A recent study showed that the use of spermicide with Nonoxynol-9 in conjunction with a condom.
Good luck in your behavior.

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