Monday, December 7, 2009

Watch Pinky For Free Online What,s The Problem Showing Song Of The South?Black People?

What,s the problem showing Song of the South?Black People? - watch pinky for free online

This film is a good and clean and does not teach the bad influence of the person especilly children.What other films on the black shows on TV? Cabin in the Sky, Black Pinky.Carmen Jones Grown Ups and the song Ole Black Joe.To Kill a Mockingbird, and is just enough to see TCM to complain black slavery, to show that black, black, which may not be what others who have fought and tortured the Jews, Christians, Gay hit a nice movie from the TV because of what it prevented me repeat, I Forgot.There are some of the best songs in the movie and make me happy and I love Uncle Remus , is a sex offender and bad influence on children. I think black is necessary to see the film to compare with today.Where not slaves in the Bible tells me that some of those who saw much suffering protrayals seems me.You are free to go there.


zennia13... said...

The problem is that even when it was founded after the Civil War, which does not recognize the racial problems of the time and shows only black woman with her life to be happy. that's what we do not prove that the cause of the problem for people.

Lord Vader said...

If for the whites and the south, it is automatically racist. You want to ban all over the south. But for them it is ok to kill white to rap. They call multiculturalism.

ROBERTSJ... said...

The problem with the show "Song of the South" is so completely distorted the story. For example, was the man, "Uncle Remus" in reality nothing more than George Washington Carver is based, and the film is in no way represent the majesty of this man. It was not a slave, servant, slave - represented on the contrary, actually ran the plantation, and whites from their offer. The cartoons, which allegedly based on the books for children in the Carver famous "kill all whites" so far from the original to the absurd fiction. Brother Rabbit in the book, was a Jewish banker, money, Brer Bear award, was an American of African decent. Then Brer Bear and Brer Fox had succeeded the blond woman Brer Rabbit as revenge. The end of the film was historically false, but he dismissed the Carver Engineering. "Uncle Remus", but the child is actually injured, but thanks to modern medical Carver invented in the plantations. He healed the boy aboutNcer with radiotherapy, eighty years before the white man began to do. I mean, to show the film - but let the facts are known.


No problem. I enjoyed as a child, but was in the vault for decades. I will not be free when the PC volume scrubs first.

And let's show the old Amos and Andy. The use for me on the floor with laughter.

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